Tehreek Istishraq By Iftikhar Ahmed

Tehreek Istishraq Lamatnahi Tasulsal PDF book by Iftikhar Ahmed Iftikhar ebook in Urdu free download or read online Tehrik Istishraq ebook. Orientalists refer to non-Muslim intellectuals, whether from the East or the West, whose aim is to acquire Muslim sciences and arts and to occupy them and object to Islam and the humiliating defeat at the hands of Muslims in the Crusades. 

Revenge is needed and for this purpose, they have targeted the Qur'an and Hadith, Sira, and Islamic history in particular. They use various tactics to make them suspicious. Orientalists have written on various topics of the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) keeping in view their specific aims and objectives.

The commentary book “Tehreek-e-Istishraq-e-Lamatah-e-Tisseel” is written by Mr. Iftikhar Ahmad Iftikhar. Civilizations have influenced civilizations. At the end of the book, the author also mentions some of the unfortunate Orientalists whose entire lives were spent throwing mud on Islam and the Prophet of Islam.

This group of Orientalists has always been burning in the fire of prejudice against Islam in this world and in the Hereafter, they will burn in the fire of Hell. The author of this book, Iftikhar Ahmad Iftikhar is also the author of this book, “Ignorant Arab Poets”, “Man and the Universe” and a huge book on Sira of the Prophet, entitled “Sirat Muzammil”. These books are currently on the net and have not yet been published. May Allah Almighty increase the power of the writer's pen. (Amen) 

The term Orientalism is missing in ancient Arabic dictionaries and has never been used in Arabic in its present sense, but is a term coined by non-Muslim thinkers for which the word 'Orientalism' is used in Arabic. The word "Orient" means Oriental and "Orientalism" means to specialize in Oriental studies or Oriental sciences, arts, and literature. Orientalist (verb-noun from the verb oriental) refers to a person who becomes an orientalist. Orientalist refers to a non-Orientalist scholar who is interested in Oriental sciences, literature, society, etc. 

However, in the light of the given meaning and general usage of the word 'Zulfo Madinah', the concept of Orientalist may be further limited. A scholar of the Middle East is said to be interested in Islam, Islamic civilization, Islamic society, and Islamic languages. ​​Edward Said has described Orientalism as an integral part of European civilization and culture, which in one way or another influences the imaginations, ideas, and all other aspects of its people. In this sense, the definition of Orientalism is much broader.

That is anyone who researches any field of Muslim civilization and culture will be called an Orientalist. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Hameed Ghorab in his book “Islamic Views for Orientalism” has mentioned various definitions of Orientalism which summarize that the scholars of Western colonial thinking, based on their ideology of racial superiority, dominated the East. Order to do research on its history, civilization, religions, languages, political and social systems, treasures, and possibilities under the heading of impartial research, is called Orientalism.

The result of the Orientalist definitions is that the Western People of the Book, on the basis of the Christian West's claim of racial and cultural superiority over the 'Islamic East', establish Western domination over the Muslims and lead the Muslims astray and doubt about Islam. And the study of Muslims' beliefs, culture, sharia, history, system and resources, and possibilities in order to present Islam in a distorted form with the claim of impartial research is called Orientalism.

تحریک استشراق ، لامتناہی تسلسل از افتخار احمد افتخار 

آپ یہ کتابیں بھی ڈاؤنلوڈ کرسکتے ہیں  
Tehreek Istishraq Lamatnahi Tasusal