Juzz Al-Qirah Hafiz Zubair Ali

Juzz Al-Qirah by Imam Bukhari Nazar Ul Bari Urdu by Hafiz Zubair Ali Zahe PDF Urdu free download or read online from this blog. This ebook as long as 347 pages and PDF file size 8.7 MB. Juz al Qiraat Wa Juz al Rafa ul Yadain Authored By Imam Bukhari R. A and translated into Urdu by Hafiz Zubair Ali. This book described the problem of the recitation of Qirrat with a loud voice for the duration of Namaz inside the mild of proper Hadith within the Urdu language. Now easily reads and download the pdf file from below links.

جز القراء 

امام بخاری رحمہ اللہ

Juzz Al-Qirah Urdu