تاریخ فتنے اورقیامت کے علامت

 محمد سلمان غفرلہ

Tareek Fitnay Aur Qayamat Ki Alamat

Free transfer or scan on-line another engaging Urdu book "Tareek Fitnay Aur Qayamat Ki Alamat" and discovers regarding the tip times Fitna and also the signs of the day in your Urdu language. This Urdu book is is also authored by Banda Mahomet Salman Ghafaralah, WHO is also Associate in Nursing Islamic scholar as a result of he has mentioned several Hadiths and also the verses from the Holy Qur'an. Tareek Fitnay Aur Qayamat Ki Alamat Pdf Urdu book is all regarding the tip times within the light-weight of Islam. The author has collected the Hadiths regarding the trip times in Urdu language. He has additionally represented the large and little signs of the day, i.e., Qayamah consistent with Islam. The author has additionally written regarding the most important signs of Qayamat like emergence of Dajjal, Daabbat-Ul-Ard, the most the biggest fire from the Yemen, the descendant of Jew, the emergence of Imam-e-Mehdi and Yagog Magog in Urdu language. The author has additionally narrated the introduction of Fitna in Urdu language. He has additionally represented the introduction of the tip of this world, i.e., the day or Qayamah. Tareek Fitnay Aur Qayamat Ki Alamat Urdu book is here in Pdf format and as long as 211 pages with the disk size of seventeen MB. This Urdu book may be a should scan Urdu book for all those who will study and perceive Urdu language. You'll be able to free transfer or research on-line Tareek Fitnay Aur Qayamat Ki Alamat Pdf Urdu book from below links end of the post.

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